My colleagues at The Digital Village (we made Starship Titanic) spend so much time on that one mode, we mentioned Stainless in the ST credits.
oh neat! I was a voracious Douglas Adams reader and when this game came out, I bought a copy. I don't think I could ever get it working on my machine, and I eventually gave up and have probably lost the copy.
Is it worth buying a new one and giving it a go? (I'm on Linux-only these days.)
> The source code in this repository is for non-commerical use only. If you use the source code you may not charge others for access to it or any derivative work thereof.
I'm confused. Is the source code in this repository public domain, or not?
Dethrace: Reverse engineering the 1997 game Carmageddon - - April 2023 (38 comments)
My hair feels gray
And then, on the other end of the spectrum, pour one out for the Steam morons who refuse to start on a case sensitive FS: very idea of having to keep around a .dmg formatted "Case Insensitive" is just ... what. the. hell.