Static Newsabout
flykespice | 44 comments


The other repos from this person are also worth checking:



Also worth nothing that this person is an open pedophilia advocate and "race realist" as can be seen on their homepage

Can't speak for the quality of the software but important to note.


I was about to flag this comment but... yikes. You're right. Super awkward.

"I immediately turn off any documentary where a woman starts talking as a "scientist"." - what the hell.


  > I no longer use 4chan (in fact I'm banned)
Well. That says something.


"Some things I like: [...]

    - *n-word*
    - objectifying women
    - weak women
    - stalking"


> Things I dislike:

Yeah, I guess it makes sense they wouldn’t like that one.


Wow, this harkens back to the dark corners of the old Internet, where people posted whatever they felt like because nobody was ever going to find it. I'm not sure which one it is, but this guy is definitely on a spectrum.

The likes and dislikes section is quite a trip.


“What, they have to be exaggerating.”

2 minutes later, I noped out of there. I want nothing to do with this person.


woah the guy was banned on 4chan is there a hall of fame for "fires too hot for hell"?


> open pedophilia advocate and "race realist"

Damn, what a combo... if HN had default link colors, I'd say that one stays blue


A lot of crazy stuff on there, but Privacy is censorship threw me for a loop.

I haven’t heard that one before


He is also the maintainer of a web browser whose specification seems to be ‘to leave as little trace as possible in the event of a police raid’, which is pretty suspicious.


Your home can be raided for, say, running a Tor node, and you best believe they'll be looking for anything to charge you with because that's their job. I don't see anything wrong with this one.

Fun fact: having nmap installed on your computer is illegal in Germany.


Fun fact: having nmap installed on your computer is illegal in Germany.

That does not sound right and I am unable to find any source for that claim.


Fun fact: I operated a TOR node for a while (not an exit node). It was in a datacenter and I mostly got yelled at because the IP was flagged as malicious outbound and the reputation of the IP range was degraded. I stopped the node but I still have the IP adress which is inaccessible to most office workers ;-).

At no time did I think that I was risking jail time if my computer was seized.

There are two main types of people who are interested in TOR, the defence of privacy and the development of privacy protection software: - Those who think about the situation of homosexuals and journalists in countries where they risk the death penalty. - Those who live in democratic countries but have a lot to hide.


I would consider personal non-technical idealoligies of the author of this code are off topic.


I just skimmed it, but to my mind and judging only by the few sample texts I red, it seems that it’s really someone who suffers extreme loneliness and try to put "pure logic without conscious will to make suffer anyone" to some extreme reaching thus some bizarre conclusion.

I mean, when I see people making video of themselves stating "ĉiuj nigraj devas morti, vivu Hitler" ("all nigers must die, viva Hitler" in Esperanto) in some easily accessible Telegram channels, it feels like a far harder case of "Ok, this person is really on a wrong track, how can I help steer them to a saner state of mind?".

Also consider this: who is the most dangerous, someone like this person who publish without filter what is in their mind, or some sociopath making political plots through lies all day through promising consensual bullshits and ready to use all forms of violence to achieve their secret egoist goals?


So disgusting that you should probably drop `https://` to make it not directly linked. I'm not only talking about "usual" stuffs, but he also overlaps with Terry A. Davis to me in the way that they are technically proficient and have potential to make a great thing but still remain very terrible as a person...


Terry A. Davis had a mental illness, so it is a bit unfair to claim that he was very terrible as a person.

If someone breaks a leg, they may be unable to walk, but may walk again when they are cured. It does not make them a non-walker as a person.

I think the distinction between illness and identity is important.


How do you know the drummyfish person doesn't have a mental illness either? Arguably most personality "quirks" are caused by either some medical issue or events in childhood, some of which can be addressed as an adult and "sorted out", but some of which cannot.

It's entirely possible that drummyfish is a victim of some childhood trauma, which is likely easier to get into control than severe schizophrenia in the case of Terry Davis.

To be clear I totally agree with you, but I am arguing that you never quite know where illness ends and identity starts and we should try to attribute less bad behavior to identity for everyone.


I mean, not exactly his fault but most people would still find it difficult to deal with him anyway.

On the other hand, I'm actually less concerned about the identity stuff. I'm much more concerned about how he represents himself and makes multiple conflicting statements without any context in public. I don't want to judge how minor-attracted people should be considered in the society because I honestly have no idea, but the modern society at least in principle requires some tolerance in the value system and I can see absolutely no such evidence from the website. Never good for his identity even if we can accept that.


> but important to note

Actually, no. It isn't.

Also, you can't prosecute thoughtcrime, despite your best efforts.


People using their free speech and free association is now "policing thoughtcrime"? It's always interesting how that works.

Ought we not be allowed to make an informed decisions about whether we want to use a piece of tech? Or whether we wish to associate with an individual?


There is something so satisfying about software written in C99 with this style/philosophy. This program has just the right amount of complexity. This is an art that needs to come back into style.


I know nothing of this topic, but it sure looks neat.

A few features that are great to see are:

- No dynamic heap allocation.

- No dependencies

- C99

Maybe it’s time for me to learn something new.


This is very cool and a very impressive effort.

I want to discuss though if "real" 3D is the right solution for such constrained platforms. The aliasing is quite extreme due to large pixels and lack of filtering. A more constrained 3D renderer or faking 3D with billboards may be better suited for these platforms. Then the aliasing can make it look more like pixel art than the unstructured noise a real render gives.


“ The aliasing is quite extreme ”

One interesting thing in becoming a graphics expert and discussing graphics with non-graphicsprogrammers, is that many don’t care about aliasing.

Aliasing in sound is usually painfully untolerable. It does not seem to be like that in graphics.

Based on this, I dont’t think aliasing is a technical critical fault - it should be considered a specific aesthetic IMHO. As long as people can perceive the shape of the geometry information displayed, it’s ‘fit for purpose’.

If one is rendering in constrained environments I’m fairly sure they’ve made peace with the platform limitations.

(I’m not arguing for aliasing, just that in many practical cases it does not actually matter)


> it should be considered a specific aesthetic IMHO

Case in point, in a 3D platform/adventure game i made back in 2020 for an MSDOS game jam[0], the rasterizer has intentional "flaws" - like lack of subpixel and subtexel accuracy, no zbuffering and no perspective correction (and perhaps unintuitively, the last two actually made the whole renderer more complex) because i had in my mind a specific "glitchy" look. Adding those would be trivial (and probably speed up the rendering a bit on 90s hardware), but things like the wavy lines (as seen in the first shot) and "trembling" vertices are intentional.

Similarly when i ported the game to use 3D hardware APIs, i went for full bilinear filtering because i wanted that 90s "just ported our SW 3D game to use 3dfx" style that a lot of 90s 3D games had (and FWIW the game also runs on an actual Voodoo 1 too[1] :-P). Though i do know some people dislike it so i added an option to disable it.




Note that it’s not by “Suckless (TM)”. I.e. not affiliated to


Like below, I’m not the target market outside this is interesting enough for me to maybe considering for a project I’m playing with. I love the old school graphics.


Definitely had to read that subject line twice.


Sometimes you just want to show things, without showing things off..