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andrewstuart | 87 comments


Don't mind the weird negativity you're getting from some of the comments, this project is awesome and very inspiring! It's amazing to see someone so creative and enthusiastic about what they do. The idea is great, and the execution is excellent as well. The UI is unique and charming, while being easy to use.

People complain about audio being slow to listen to - I don't know, people do listen to hours of podcasts. People do spend hours on tiktok. With enough users and a voting system, the best content should rise to the top. With the playlist functionality, you'd queue the posts you want to listen to and listen to them passively, while cleaning the room or driving to work.

Recording little songs or super short flashfiction stories... With the right creators to make quality content, I totally see how this could turn into something awesome.

One bit of feedback - why require the usernames to end on a number? I want to use a username Im using everywhere else.

Also, uploading an audio file didn't work for me.


>> Also, uploading an audio file didn't work for me.

Oh yeah oops! I need to fix that sorry. Recording via your microphone should work fine but I seem to have broken the file upload somewhere along the way.


> weird negativity

Nothing weird about that.

I can understand how some people might be vary of publishing samples of their voice on the internet after seeing what happend to authors and artists whose text and images found a way to the web, then got ingested and regurgitated by a multitude of LLMs.


This is amazing. I vaguely recall seeing this long time ago (may be here on HN) and people were having fun and submitting new audios. It's not a new project right?

Update: you have linked that project in the about section of your site.


Yes! It's explained in the blurb above......


Oh Sorry, the HN client I am using on phone didn't show the blurb.


I literally never want to hear other people's words as voices, or have my voice casually dumped on the Internet along with probably, over time, far too much reconstructable info about me.


Right? I had a couple of friends switch over to voice messages on FB messenger when the feature was introduced. I don't talk to them anymore because I just never could be bothered to listen to that crap when they could have just as easily used the text messaging like a normal person.


It's faster for them to speak than write, and it's faster for you to read than hear.

Empathy equally applied would mean the message is never sent.


Or that dictation software exists…


Voice messages are very popular


And I ignore them like the GP. We seem to manage.


I think some data about how much usage the feature gets would be more helpful here than simple I do/don’t comments.


>> I literally never want to hear other people's words as voices

Radio and podcasts have been successful for hearing peoples voices, but its not for everyone.

Not everyone has to do it - I'm thinking that there's a group of people in the world who like talking and they're the people I'm hoping will enjoy it.


Radio and podcasts only work with a small group of people who are good at creating that type of content. They either write a good script or have a clear plan (and talent) for unscripted content.

That's far different from "Hey it's Bob, ehm, so, yeah about tomorrow, we need a place to grab beers with John and Alex. I was thinking it could be SomePlace at X street. What do you think?" which costs the listener much more time than just reading a text message.

But I think this site might be on to something with the voting and all. That should bring out the content that's worth listening to.


I’m surprised by these comments and how much some people seem to hate audio.

Audio can be great for conveying emotion versus text (and without the awkwardness of video). It’s also 3-4x faster than typing out comments. I’ve seen stats saying it produces up to 8x more content because of how easy it is to talk vs type (especially on mobile).

Maybe if the posts were transcribed it would help (although that’s expensive at scale, especially for a side project without a clear path to monetization).

Regardless, kudos to the creator for trying something new and fun in such an apparently ‘controversial’ medium.


I don’t need 8x the content, it’s a benefit of writing that it forces writers to be more concise, Transcribe is not more expensive for the writer, the device can do it for hem. This message for exemple, has been transcribed by my iPad.


Listening vs transcribing. No one has time to listen to a subreddit our eyes scan much quicker. Transcribing might be quicker for most (some of us type quicker than speaking). The experience is negative on the whole. Lucky AI can listen and put to words those voicemails.


Young people have only been texting for their entire lives. They don't talk much. Any speaking or person-to-person interactions with strangers makes them extremely uncomfortable to the point that they literally bring their parents with them to job interviews.


In my experience it's more the younger people who likes audio messages..


So they'll call a friend, instead of texting them, eh? lol. no. Bro they don't even answer calls.


Have two teens. They call and do voice chats (Discord, etc.) all the time. Face time is huge with their generation, for example. Now two things they don't seem to do is leave voicemails and check their voicemail. But, they do call people tons. Way more than I do. I'm 41 and hate phone calls lol and face time? Hell no. I'm good on that. Their generation loves it.


I've heard if you take a phone away from a kid they start having a panic attack within like 5 minutes? Is that all made up? All wrong? You mean they're only wanting their phones to make voice calls, not text? lol. Sorry, not buying that story.

It's 100% social media and texting that they're addicted to. Every time I even look at somebody at a stoplight they're playing with their phone, so it's not just kids, it's adults too. It's an epidemic.


yeah, they'll send an audio!


Kids are sending audio? That's laughably incorrect.

Just say "That's My Experience" if you're lying, and you're an AI bot.


You are laughably incorrect. Do you have kids? They are face timing and sending audio messages constantly. Maybe cut the snark or take it back over to Reddit?


I don't have any kids but I've interacted with young people enough to know exactly what psychological condition most of them are in. It's not their fault, they've been on social media and dealt with people just like you all their lives. I can see how that's super unhealthy. I grew up in 80s before social media. Sort of the last "normal" generation.


Some Gen Z hate audio messages and will not listen to them out of protest, others will send them every day. For most, they're just sprinkled in occasionally in primarily text chats (with their friends - likely not with anyone they're not close with) when there is some reason to send a voice message, e.g. conveying emotion or when typing is difficult.

That's my experience! n≈30 Gen Z.


Thanks for being honest. To be honest myself I have a bit of voice phobia too. I'm not perfect. Mr 'g-b-r' is just being a contrarian like we always see on HN. You can't say the sky is blue on HN without some contrarian pretending to 'correct you'


I'm (relatively late) Gen Z & some of my friends incessantly send voice audios via iMessage to me instead of texting and I hate it. Seeing their iMessage logs with other people is terrifying. It's nothing but 30-60sec voice memos back and forth.


The main problem with voice is that you can't read (i.e. consume) them at a glance like you can text. The problem with text of course is that it conveys no emotion, and therefore everyone "invents" what they "think" the emotion is, and if it's some stranger you always assume negative emotion because "other internet guy" is always by default, a troll.


that's my experience


> It’s also 3-4x faster than typing out comments.

It's also 3-4x slower than reading, on the other side, and impossible to search (without some voice recognition tool slapped over it)

> up to 8x more content

So, you have to lose up to 4x8 more time to obtain the information you probably didn't need


Anyhow, using voice is sure often better, but in a call, where you can stop the interlocutor, and ask them clarifications or to get to the point...

Audio messages should only be occasional, in my opinion


There is something strangely compelling, to crib from another commenter, about this site, its throwback UI, and general “this seems like a good idea even if no one really uses it”actually potentially useful art-piece-ness.

I tried both recording something on the site and uploading a file (all from an iPhone), but neither worked.

Regardless, kudos on this project. Hope Bob gets his milk.


Hello I'd like to help you with recording - would you mind please emailing describing what went wrong when you tried to use the microphone, and what device you are using Thanks!


I read significantly faster than people speak, everything in voice would be immediately frustrating to me.

Though I think there may be a target audience in the blind community; who could find the demi-organic nature of recorded speech more conducive to genuine conversations than their standard text-to-speech conversion software.

(Which I think there's a good chance a lot of them are using for one of their primary social networking interfaces anyway).


"twitter voicemail" sounds like something out of /


Can you integrate with I'll Scream Your Tweets?


I was similarly inspired by afterthebeep, but didn't get anywhere. It'll be interesting to see if different niches/metas build up over time.

I had fun browsing the different topics, and could see myself using this as a way to have "slow" social media usage.


Look, I appreciate the motivation, I love a passion project, and I'm happy you've clearly learned things and taken on new challenges, and I love that for you. I'm so happy you've had the opportunity to build a cool thing you like.

That said, "Twitter/Reddit but every post is a voicemail" is a dream I wake up from in a cold sweat. It is a thinly-veiled threat. If you were trying to keep a cool website from me, and you accidentally said the name and I asked "what's that," if you said "oh, it's twitter/reddit but every post is a voicemail" you would successfully hide it from me. I cannot imagine a concept less compatible with the way I desire to experience the internet.

I'm happy for you, glad you built a cool thing, and I'm hopeful you see all the success you want from it. I shan't be going there.


Funny reply. But consider that making twitter posts audible and experiencing the full rage is fundamentally different from starting with audio first.

The reason I say that is because I have frequently seen the same people who rage in text based media, have a very civil, even productive conversations on video (possibly because the human element is more obvious).

There is an open field out there for better functioning discussion sites, maybe audio/video micro-conversations could play a role (auto-transcribed as text is easier to skim and focus on chosen parts).


YouTube had video replies ages ago and it didn't take off.

The trouble with audio is the barrier of entry. By the time you've wrote your script and managed to record it and edit it you might as well have made a video.


>> I'm happy for you, glad you built a cool thing, and I'm hopeful you see all the success you want from it. I shan't be going there.

I appreciate the well wishes even if its not your cup of tea thanks!


Love the idea! Awesome execution, I just want to see it in a future evolution of twitter like UI, so it becomes easy in my head to keep, access and listen. Keep building what you love.


This was tried: Odeo was more or less this, and it became Twitter because people preferred text.


You should add a talkboy[1] inspired voice changer to make it less intimidating to leave a message

[1] -


Did Bob eventually get the milk? People are getting worried


Bob has gone missing.


I'm so much less articulate when I'm speaking than when I'm typing. I can't see myself ever having the wherewithal to use this,but u have to say it's an interesting concept!


Not that many "life long texters" have the wherewithal to actually speak. That's for sure.

I bet the children of today's youth will be mostly "non-verbal" humans from birth and will communicate with humans one inch away from them via text message only. Vocal cords will become a vestigial organ. Unused. People in the year 2050 will find it totally cringe, bizarre, and unfathomable that "original humans" use guttural vocal sounds as a form of communication.


Why do you feel the need to talk down to people who use text chat? Nothing in any of your comments here have been remotely productive, and most everything you have said has been weirdly obsessed with calling this passion project stupid because you think "the youth" would never dare say a word out loud.

I've read through several of your comments, and none of them offer anything even remotely useful. It's all just mean and unhelpful, and I don't see how it adds to the conversation at all.


I've been nothing but complementary of this app, and told the developer as much in several posts, and I've said if it's not a big success, then it's not the fault of the app, but just a matter of shyness in today's youth. So please stop being rude and critical of other people's opinions just because you disagree. If you want to be mean and unhelpful maybe go over and do all that on Twitter instead of HN.


The aesthetic is spot on.

What is the intro sound to each clip? Feel like I heard it before somewhere.


>> Feel like I heard it before somewhere.

Depends how old you are!

In the olden days when you had a "phone message machine" at home, you'd come home and press the play button to listen to your messages, then hear a beep between each message.

It's meant to sound like the click of the play button and the beep.


Cool concept! I think the main issue is that it's difficult to glean information from audio bits quickly. I can look at Reddit or HN's front page for example and quickly scan what I am interested in reading, but with audio that's not so easy.


Yeah audio is a different experience that's for sure.

I find it's the sort of thing I use probably at different times to when I might use Twitter - perhaps in bed before sleep listen to some messages, on the couch chilling.


probably the hardest thing here is people read faster than they write.

in the 1990s I helped build a dating site where people put their profiles on small voicemails. This is very reminiscent of that and I think the engagement was low because it was a lot to listen to


I'm surprised nobody mentioned Airchat yet. It's already a social site where every post is a voice recording.


I want to like Airchat, but I find the UX to be horribly confusing. Maybe it’s intentionally that way, much like how Snapchat supposedly started out?


this is pretty fun. - one suggestion auto-clip my millennial pause at the beginning


I thought I would hate it (voicemail is the worst thing ever) but this is strangely compelling


Glad to hear that! Judging from the comments here there's a few people who like it, but also a few who really don't. So it's nice to hear you got something from it thanks.


I really hope Bob picks up that milk


I believe he's quite busy.


Love the site dude! Feel glad to have been part of this transient joke with a bunch of strangers on the internet


Thanks yes I have to say it was a micro moment of fun.


Sorry about the dismissive comments you're getting. You hacked something up and I think it's pretty cool and surprisingly fun. You nailed it with the beep at the start of each audio too. Feels warm, like actual humans communicating with you (even if it's something silly) instead of cold usernames just sharing headlines and memes for karma points.

I wish the HN vibe was more like a digital makerspace and a bit less a tech business news. Sure, I don't think crowdwave will ever be as big as twitter or reddit, so what? That's not a bad thing! Reddit was infinitely better 15 years ago. Even if you close the site tomorrow, I already got some joy from it.

Anyway, I like it, really good job! (:

PS: Does anyone know about an online community similar to HN that actually has that digital makerspace vibe? I said that and know I want it to exist.


I'm always a bit shocked when I see people attacking other people's passion projects. I don't mean constructive criticism, but stuff like "why would you even spend time on this, *I* don't like [recording my voice/the programming language you used/whatever]".

+1 to the digital makerspace idea. I've also been looking for such a thing. Probably the closest thing I know is the maker side of YouTube where people show what they are working on. But obviously you're "encouraged" to "industrialize" your hobby and the barrier to entry is huge...

Would be cool to find a community that is very welcoming and non-constructive feedback is not allowed.


Thanks for the comments! Yeah I was a bit surprised that some people seem to really not like the idea, other have had a lot of fun and posted plenty of funny messages.

Regarding other online communities maybe IndieHackers?


Being of a certain age (50ish) I love this concept. I listened to a few messages. This is a cool concept for sure. Only problem is the young people of today (20s to 30s) have never used a phone for voice, and so they struggle to articulate themselves verbally.

I think having used "texting" only for their entire lives their verbal skills (and also social skills to be frank) are severely underdeveloped. A modern 20 year old will be able to express himself verbally at the level of a 10yr old from when I grew up. I don't mean the thoughts aren't there. I just mean they're unable to articulate those thoughts. Their mind is like a 20yr old, but their ability to vocally communicate is at the 10yr old level.

so...unfortunately this app will only be popular with the over-40 crowd but gosh darn it there's billions upon billions of us. :)


That is a completely unfair take. While our experiences online might be predominantly text based, it's not like we don't go outside and talk to people offline. I'm in online video call meetings several times a day at work and have taken part in many conference talks, workshops, etc. In no way are my verbal skills "the level of a 10yr old".

What is true though is that I avoid audio chats where possible. Not because I'm scared of them, but because it's way too intrusive. I might be listening to music, or I might be in public without my headphones. How do I record something discretely if I'm out of the house. Sure I might publish it publicly, but I don't want a random stranger next to me hearing in case it's something only a niche community might understand.


why does the username validation require it to end in a number? we all must 1337?


It's a good question.

Its really because on the back of my mind I was wondering if there's a way to have revenue without intrusive advertising or anything.

And, inspired by the games industry where people seem very willing to buy digital good to make their characters look good, I thought well thre are people on the internet who really value having exactly the username they want. And then I thought well maybe I should hold off giving away what might be a practical, non intrusive way to generate revenue. Thus I though, well the easy way is just to put a number on the end of the username. That's the thinking. If you've signed up, as an early joiner I'd be happy to give you your username without the number - email me at and I'll fix you up.


dibs on 'root' ;)


Not interested, but the name crowdwave is one of the most brandable I’ve ever run across


I picked up the domain for $10 maybe 5 years ago or so.

I was just casually searching domains and there it was, available for $10.

You would not believe how fast I reached for my credit card.


Crowdwave is definitely the perfect name for the app. Wave means sound waves, and it also means a "wave" hi. Perfect.


Yeah that was brilliant


Welcome to hell.


Wrong domain in the post, crowdave when it should be crowdwave


i’d definitely follow Dave the Crow
